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Gray Panthers: Battle for Earth Page 7

  “General Black, it’s damn good to see you. You’re looking good,” Dan lied.

  “Bullshit D2,” Black replied, remembering Dan’s old call sign.

  “Sir, this will sound off the wall so please bear with me. I will soon be assembling a force and want you to be the leader. Before you call for the boys with the butterfly nets, I ask you to remember all the time we served together. OPSEC prevents me from saying any more. I have a small vial of medicine with me that will cure everything that is wrong with you while you sleep.”

  “Even if I wanted to assist you Sgt. Major, I have one foot in the grave. If I even try to exert myself I would be dead the same day,” Black said, humoring the old man before him.

  “Trust me sir” was all Dan said as he handed the vial to his old commander and turned to leave.

  “Sgt. Major, those were always the scariest words an NCO ever said to me throughout my career, especially from you. I will think on it.”

  Before he reached the door, Dan heard a soft “Hooah” from the general.

  Stopping at the nurses' station, he left his contact information for the general, kicking himself for not leaving it with the general directly.

  As he started to walk out his shadow was once again at his side. “OK lieutenant; know any good places to eat around here?” Dan asked as he saw the shocked look slip out from a near perfect poker face.

  “Certainly Sgt. Major, do you like steak?” James replied, without mentioning that the guess at his prior service was correct.

  After downing a filet mignon, Danny looked at James. “So James how did a nice clean cut boy like you end up with Sigmund's group of cut throats?”

  “Sigmund saved me like he did you. I was the JAG for a young girl, who was drafted as a conscientious objector. I made the mistake of using the constitution as part of my defense. I lost the case and was on my way to Shemya AFB, a speck in the Aleutian Islands. Sigmund heard about it through his cronies, and managed to get me a General Discharge. I have been one of his attorneys for five years now. I’d ask your story, but was told not to ask; just given a little of your history and told to take good care of you.”

  “Well I’ll make your job easy. From here just take me to a hotel, then in the morning I want to visit Black again, then head for home.

  The opulence of the suite was more than Dan was comfortable with as he tried to think of additional arguments to get General Black to join him. He looked out the room’s window feeling more alone than ever as he started to feel overwhelmed at everything he still had to do, and the people to do it for him.

  Washington DC

  8 April 2126

  Dan stopped at the door, apprehensive for a moment before knocking.

  “Enter!” was easily heard, through the door as Dan entered and saw the general attacking a steak, with vigor, for his breakfast. Black looked at Dan and began.

  “After you left I was not sure if you were, nuts, or treasonous. Then I told myself, D2 took the same oath I did. Then looked at your joy juice and took it. This morning I woke up late and felt great, the staff actually left me alone. It felt great to get out of the bed to use the toilet. I’m guessing this is all part of the plan you started to tell me. When I’m done with recovery from my surgery tomorrow you will have my complete attention.”

  “General, you don’t need the surgery any more. You are good to go right now. Humor me and try to do a sit-up.” After the first sit-up was followed by a dozen more, and then a dozen push-ups, Black looked to Dan. “Let’s get the hell outta here now.”

  The chief nurse had different plans for him, until Dan promised that he was taking the old general to a funeral for a fallen comrade and would be back in time for dinner.

  An hour later, they were wheels up and on their way back to Arizona, enjoying some Kentucky bourbon. The General was enjoying the bourbon and admitted he was not expected to come out of his surgery as the cancer was too far advanced and was diagnosed too late. “OK Danny, tell me about this army you want me to command,” Black commanded.

  “Well sir, Earth will be invaded in about 20 years, and yes, you will still be here in the same health you are now. Then using the advance resources at my disposal, not only defeat the attacking force, but take the fight to them. Part of that technology is in you right now making you feel like a teenager with the urge to really get laid as soon as possible. I have access to advanced weapons, and will soon be building a base with manufacturing facilities for everything we need. I also have nearly unlimited funding. You are the second person I have signed up. Abdul is even at this moment generating the revenue for our army and reviewing options in manufacturing. Siggy is working with us, too. He has been greasing the way with the politicians. I need you to review our enemy's capabilities then determine our requirements in material, manning, and strategy and tactics. You have a blank check for anything or body you want.” Dan continued on, “For the interim we will be camouflaging our operations by opening a factory and shipping company to keep folks from figuring out what we are up to. We will use our soldiers as the employees to complete the illusion, oh and the soldiers are all going to be military retirees to ensure their loyalty and performance.”

  “So our army is an old Farsi traitor, a 90 year old shyster attorney, a 70 year old Sgt. Major and a 98 year old Brigadier general? How can anything stop us?” Draining the remainder of his bourbon, he continued. “Too bad my Emily is not here for this, she always had a great sense of humor."

  “I forgot to mention my friend the bartender, he doesn’t realize he’s with us, but I trust him. He’s been on the run from the government since the suspension of the constitution when his wife and kids were killed by DHS,” Dan added.

  Black only looked at him and let out a huge belly laugh. Dan looked at him for a moment then could not help but laugh himself until they both had tears running down their cheeks.

  “Why have you decided it’s your responsibility Dan? We do have a government that we pay taxes into to do just what you are proposing?” The general asked, sounding more serious.

  “We can’t trust our government with that technology, they would use it against the people, then against other countries to try and regain the former glory that was once the USA. I plan to help return our government to the republic that I swore allegiance to many years ago. Then support it to the best of my ability. If that is a deal breaker for you, I will let you out of the plan, no hard feelings.”

  “Dan, I took the same oath as you, and that will be my justification when they put us in front of the firing squad. Just remember power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

  It was dark as the sedan pulled up to Dan's house as he offered for one last time to put Black up in a nice hotel instead of the spare bedroom. The general just shrugged and pointed to press on towards the house. Opening the door to the kitchen, the nearly nude, Maria was asleep sitting at the kitchen table in only a t-shirt, resting her head on the table. Dan just smiled and put his finger to his lip as they walked past the sleeping girl. The guest room was spartan though comfortable; simply throwing the bed cover back was all that was needed to complete the invitation of sleep for the general. “See you in the morning sir,” Dan whispered as he backed out of the room.

  Dan returned to the kitchen and bent over the sleeping girl and whispered into her ear that his wife and four kids were about to come through the door. Maria shrieked as she jumped up and headed for the bedroom to get her clothes, until she heard him break out laughing.

  “So you think it’s funny to fuck with me huh?” she asked as she advanced on him.

  “Hell yeah, but, I do have a very important guest in the spare room, so hush!” Dan gave her a peck on the cheek as he continued to a much-needed shower to be followed by a good night's sleep. When he felt the air hit him as the shower door opened he knew he was also not going to get a good night's sleep either.

  Surprise, Arizona

  9 April 2126

  Walking into the kitchen,
he found Maria feeding the general a full breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon and coffee.

  “D2 you are one lucky man,” Black said looking up from his plate. “This is my third helping and I’m still going strong. Maria is a wonderful cook in addition to being a beautiful young lady.

  Dan looked over to the stove and saw Maria was wearing a nice dress that looked like she had just come from church. He was speechless as she turned around and dropped more bacon on the general's plate, and then set a plate down for Dan. The aroma of the food was like an aphrodisiac, as he couldn’t stop himself from digging in. While he was still eating Maria simply kissed him on the cheek and excused herself. The general explained they had chatted for almost an hour before he woke up. He was impressed with her intelligence and spirit. Then he was equally amazed when Dan said she was a prostitute who had fallen in love with him.

  Black was enjoying the drive in the desert, having spent the last few years in either the city, back east, or hospitals. The sun was shining down from a cloud-free sky as Dan adjusted his sunglasses, looking at the trail ahead of them; looking for anything out of place. At one mile from the mine, he contacted Abdul to let him know he was a mile out and had the general with him. The general noted that Dan was speaking without saying anything aloud. When Dan turned to him, he smiled and explained it was part of their communications and would have his own soon.

  “Welcome to Fort Knox, General Black,” Abdul nearly shouted in his excitement to see the old comrade as he held a salute waiting for its return.

  “Damn it’s good to see you too, yah old Farsi bastard,” Black said as he threw a salute back at him, then surprised him with a bear hug that took his breath away. Tears in his eyes, Black was unashamed of his tears at being reunited with yet another of his men. “So this is Fort Knox? I don’t see any armor.” Abdul just reached in his pocket and pulled out a heaping handful of gold coins. “You haven’t seen anything yet sir,” Abdul said as he turned and motioned, “follow me,” to his compatriots. Walking into the mine, they were quickly in the old living area. Dan nodded to Abby and he walked to the hidden elevator and appeared to disappear as he quickly dropped from sight. The pair quickly followed suit.

  Abby was standing in front of a huge cache of small crates nearly filling the room. “Here's the vault general. Gold, silver, platinum …” Abby was interrupted by a pair of droids bringing more cases of precious metal to be stacked. “I guess it would be a good time for you to meet the rest of the team,” Abby continued as he watched the general's eyes open wide, while watching the droids once again disappear into the mineshaft.

  The general followed the men into another mineshaft as he muttered, “I’ll bet this is going to be interesting.” He was not disappointed when they entered the cavern and he saw the ship. Before he could even say a word, the apparition of Grub appeared before them. The general once again maintained his decorum as he watched the two men stop to talk with the hairy monster.

  “General Black, it is my pleasure to finally meet you. I have heard so much about you. I am sure under your leadership we will be victorious over the enemy. I apologize; I should have introduced myself to you sooner. My name is Grub. I am the avatar for the Flem Ship Grub.”

  The men followed Grub to the ship and gave the general the tour as Grub repeated his story for the general. Later, sitting in a wardroom, Black started to question Grub about his abilities and the manufacturing capabilities. The fact that raw materials could easily be converted at the subatomic level, made the impression that anything was possible. When he asked Grub for his status and any requirements, the conversation was less happy.

  “The Grub with repairs could once again be space worthy. At present, the ship is best used as a base of operations. At current ops mining, I have enough fuel for eight years. When the productions of materials start the fuel supplies will rapidly be used up. I have found no adequate source of fuel on Earth that can be converted for use by my ship. The nearest adequate source for the fuel, Helium 3, is on the moon. It has an abundant amount and can easily be mined,” Grub reported.

  “How are we going to get to the moon? Even the Russians gave up their space program 50 years ago,” Dan wondered aloud as he felt like an idiot for not asking simple questions like this and for the general to be the one to discover the potential problem.

  “I have the engines for building shuttles that can easily reach the moon. For the sake of saving resources for building the shuttle, I have found an alternative. We can modify one of your ocean ships for space use. For those ships that have been decommissioned and are waiting to be scrapped, I recommend using the US Navy ship CVN 80. It would be ideal for use as a base on the moon to expand from and double as a port on the moon. The interior can be scrapped since most of the existing equipment has no use in space. It would be easy to close the ship and modify it for both space use and as a base. I estimate once we can get started, humans can remove all existing machinery. Then I can provide the nanites that modify rust to steel, and other modifications to make it space worthy. If we can get it into a dry dock, we can be done in two years.”

  As Dan and Abby pondered this news, Black could not help but laugh at the news.

  “I was wondering if either of you two would catch that or not,” Black chuckled. “The CVN-80 is the USS Enterprise. Anyway, I think we should send it to the moon, keep it as a base, and then use something smaller to shuttle the H3 back to Earth. It will need to fit on the flight deck elevator, or modify the elevator so a shuttle can be parked inside and make life easier on crews, and maintainers, when they need to perform any work.” The others looked at the General in amazement at both his naval knowledge and grasp of what future operations would entail.

  “Seems to me if we just slapped rockets on shipping containers and modified them for space we would be good to go,” Dan suggested.

  Grub used this moment to add his suggestions. “Something the size of your shipping containers would be ideal. But since it is so small, we would be better off to build it from scratch using better materials, and perhaps look at it for multi-use, not just cargo. That would also be an ideal size for shipping on the ground, using current infrastructure. The group agreed with the plan, as Danny and the General had to head back to get the ball rolling. The general was impressed with the way things had gone as well as the new communication device implanted in his neck. His last suggestion before leaving was to find a way to modify existing phones and computers to communicate not only with them but with each other securely.

  The drive back to town was more comfortable in the truck. The bed of the truck contained ten cases of gold, dedicated to getting the ball rolling for their operations. They heard from Siggy, letting them know the veterans' collective paperwork had been completed. The bill approving private ownership of gold was signed into law. The land grant had been approved for the veterans collective. The patent office could not understand how the sand was converted to the consistency of metal, but approved the patent because of the interest it was being given.

  Black called a few friends and was given the name of a couple architects and major contractors in order to start developing the valley near the mine. They wanted to have a thousand homes and the infrastructure to support it so it would be self-sufficient. The architects were leery when they were told about the new building materials made from sand they were to use. After the explanation of how the town would be making the material and they would be the first architects to use it they were willing to look at the material, and accept the gold incentives.

  Abdul was ahead of the game when they contacted him and explained that they had been caching the sand building materials near the valley. They had enough for the first five hundred homes and had water and sewer pipes ready.

  As soon as the word was out about the veteran retirement community, realtors, crooked government employees, labor unions, and wholesalers were busting down the doors to get their share of the wealth. Military retirees, hearing about free housing, quickly su
bmitted paperwork to live in the community.

  Dan was amazed at all the logistics he had never considered as the general took the reins, quickly building a staff of thirty around him; contractors, expediters, specialists that had learned how to use the new materials. His second staff was reviewing applicants’ service records, for those skills they would need in their new military. Dan was the first to go out and select the initial cadre. Although Dan never considered himself a salesman he knew he had some talent by virtue of his tenor as a senior NCO. His usual approach, when seeing a new man was to ask them if they missed their time in the service. If they had, he would sell the camaraderie portion to sign them up. Those who just wanted him to get to the point, he would explain he was setting up a militia and then show the prospect a short clip of himself and another dozen men doing full out workouts including close-ups of their faces. He also promised that everyone who joined would be in outstanding condition and have excellent free health care. For most the promise of steady work, great health care, and good health was enough, but the patriotism clinched many a deal.

  The deal with the Enterprise was the easiest of all; the navy gave them a dollar to haul it away. An unused dry dock was easy to find as the recession was so bad. No new military construction had been attempted in years, and shipping companies had their ships built overseas. The company with the dry dock was confused with their orders but followed them. All machinery was removed from the ship’s interior, leaving the ship gutted. The workers were amazed when they painted over heavy rust areas throughout the ship’s interior and saw the transformation from rust to solid metal. The introduction of new interior machinery was the source of speculation. The redesign of the bulkheads with hallways twice the expected width; with huge hatches and built-in keypads had many a specialist scratching his head, especially when the same was done on all external hatches. The areas that had portholes or windows were replaced with reinforced metals. The men laughed when they saw the bridge was now totally enclosed in darkness. New hardware and devices attached to the exterior of the ship made no sense as the hull and deck areas were covered in the strange parts. The application of a thick clear sealant to paint the entire exterior of the ship was only one more mystery. Many thought the ship was going to be converted to some type of submarine as the entire ship was well beyond airtight.